Thursday, October 25, 2012


Welcome to the They Might Be Heroes podcast website!

They Might Be Heroes is the recorded adventures of a group of six friends who are playing in a Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition campaign. The adventure takes place in the land of Miraval which is "home brewed" by our Dungeon Master, and several of the races have been renamed for the story world. Our podcast will follow the story that he weaves for our 5 misfit adventurers on.

They Might Be Heroes is picking up not too long into a campaign that our gaming group has been running semi weekly for a little over a month at the time of this post. We play completely over the internet as we all live fairly far apart. Our group has interesting chemistry because we have two husband and wife teams! We utilize RPG Table Online for our combat map needs, and rely on Skype or Google+ for our communication.

At one point during a session one of our players spit balled the idea of podcasting our adventures. So, inspired by fantastic other podcasts such as Critical Hit, our group of players decided that they'd record and publish their antics for others to listen to. We hope you have as much fun listening to us as we have playing the game itself!

Our gaming group is made up of 6 players, all of whom have differing levels of game experience. Here is a brief overview of them all, stay tuned for player and character spotlights to come!

  1. Erik: Erik is our dungeon master and the creative lunatic behind the primary story. He comes to the game with the broadest variety of table top roleplaying experience, with more than two decades of tabletop rpg games beneath his belt. He's spent far more time behind the DM screen than behind a character sheet, but is looking to change that in the future. The land of Miraval is his creation, and he leads us through the story in a style all his own. He's been accused more than once of crafting encounters that are too difficult for the players, and 
  2. Machee: Machee is playing Zeverai, our warforged runepriest. She come to the group with the second most experience, having been playing role-playing games since she was quite young.
  3. Brigham: Brigham, your intrepid host and the technical workhorse for They Might Be Heroes. He had no table top role-playing experience before joining the BoM campaign. He is currently playing Ssskather, our Ssthra (dragonborn) Paladin.
  4. Holly: Holly, like her husband Brigham, had very little experience with Dungeons and Dragons prior to being enlisted in this campaign. She played with a very large and vocal group in 2007, however she admits to spending  most of that time as a wall flower, only making herself known for combat. She started out as very tentative about the role-playing aspect with our crew, but now she brings a bright enthusiasm to her character and has really taken to it. Currently she is playing Rose, a ranger. She briefly played Enna, a tielfing bard, but changed for story reasons.
  5. Karen: With a few D&D games under her belt, Karen is one of the three women who play with our group. She's playing the half-elven invoker named Ravenne. She and her husband Brandon play from the greatest distance from the rest of the group.
  6. Brandon: Like many people, Brandon was introduced to D&D during college in about 2004. He is currently playing Thom, the resident warlock of the group. 
Each of the players brings something special to the podcast, and we are all excited to engage in this adventure with you!

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